
careers2Autumn Term 2 2024

Upcoming Careers Events this term: 

  • Year 10 Experience of a Workplace has been launched and all students are using the new Unifrog platform to book their placements this year.
    • The deadline has been extended to the end of November and Sam has started to visit places of work to check the Health & Safety requirements.
    • A video walkthrough of the process of using Unifrog was shown to students in tutor time before half term, which in itself was based on the Parent Information Evening from Tuesday 17th September. This information is available below on the Careers webpage.
    • Please send any students to the Careers HUB in Block 2 if they need further support.
  • Y10 College Taster Days for Summer 2025 are now locked in. More information to follow for students in the new year but for your information and planning, these are as follows:
    • Peter Symonds - 23/6
    • Itchen College - 25/6
    • Fareham College - 07/7
    • Southampton College - 08/7
    • Barton Peveril - 09/7
    • Eastleigh College - 10/7
    • CEMAST - 10/7
  • Year 11 Career Interviews are continuing with our Careers Advisor. You can request that students be moved up her list, from Y11 and all year groups, but Y11 will take precedence initially.

Parent Information Evenings and Assembly links:

Careers Signpost 1

Make the Future Yours!

Click Here - InvestIn Education Careers Quiz

Attached is a list of current Apprenticeship advice and online meetings to support your decision making.


Attached is a list of current Apprenticeship advice and online meetings to support your decision making.

SFL Apprenticeships BlackBox CMYK

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is taking place between 5th and 11th February. This annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, brought together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy. The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2024 is ‘Skills for Life’. The week reflects on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and help businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with skills for the future.

Additionally, we are providing a free guide entitled ‘The Parents’ Guide to Apprenticeships’ which highlights the benefits of apprenticeships and answers some of the many questions you might have. A selection of the most common questions are referenced below for your convenience.


app uni stem

Access your FREE university and apprenticeships guides for parents and bonus STEM guide now by clicking the images above!

Please click here for a list of current Southampton and surrounding areas Apprenticeship Vacancies.

Labour Market Information


LMI stands for Labour Market Information. In short, it refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market.

LMI can include information like:

  • The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location.
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • How many of those jobs there are.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Typical rates of pay.
  • Career progression opportunities.

If you’re job hunting or will be soon, learning about LMI will help you to understand what opportunities are available to you and how you can best take advantage of them. If you’re already in a job, LMI can give you some insight into how you might be able to grow in your career, what opportunities to advance are available to you, and how

Based on LMI, you can decide things like:

  • Are there job opportunities for me where I live, or do I need to consider relocating for the career I want?
  • Does the pay for my dream career align with how much I’d like to earn? If not, am I okay with that?
  • How long will it take me to rise through the ranks in my career to my desired position, and am I willing to do the work to get there?
  • How competitive is my industry? Do I have a backup plan if it doesn’t work out in the way I want it to?
  • Is college, university, an apprenticeship, or working my way up from an entry level job the right path for me?

Wildern students can access up to date LMI information through a number of sources, most notably being their Unifrog accounts, but also through the newsletters and websites below:

Personal Statements

We encourage all students to pay attention to what they write in their personal statements to ensure they don’t forget to include everything that helps them stand out from other applicants. Do share the link below with parents, which includes step-by-step reminders of things to consider as well as our personal statement mindmap: The Parents' Guide to personal statements gif maker

Careers Ladder 2

Become a Wildern Alumni:

You may have seen the alumni poster around the school and on the electronic screens. We are always looking to add to our alumni so if you have anyone at home or know of any ex-Wildern students then please forward them to this form so that they can register their interest!


Further Support: 

A careers library is available in the Learning Resource Centre.  Students can go there at any time to access the information that will help them as they move on from Wildern.

Wildern school works closely with the Careers and Enterprise company to ensure it regularly assesses and evaluates its provision with the Gatsby benchmarks for good career guidance.   This is reviewed at least annually, ensuring the programme is up to date and relevant.  The school-wide careers policy is reviewed at least annually, ensuring the programme is up to date and relevant. 

Access the Careers Policy here

General Careers Websites:

  • Parents Guide to T-Levels
  • - The National Careers Service is an online careers database containing information on hundreds of different jobs.  It gives you all the essential information you need to know about the job and how to get into it.  
  • - This is a local website with a really good CV creator and job information including a weekly jobs bullertin 
  • - Video site with job profiles to help explore career ideas
  • - Job descriptions, facts and articles plus a CV creator and job hunting advice on where to look for work in the South, getting experience and approaching employers. Each student has a log in account and will be shown how to use it effectively.


Specific Careers:



  • - University may seem years away, but it is a good idea to look at the UCAS website, especially if there’s a particular subject you would like to study or a specific university you would like to attend. The website shows entry requirements, subject grades and course details
  • - Official data from university satisfaction scores in the National Student Survey. Includes jobs and salaries after study and other key information for prospective students. 
  • – Helps with what to study, where to go and how to get there...
  • - to help anyone unsure whether university is right for them to identify how to make the most of a degree to better their employability after graduation


 For volunteering and work experience opportunities:

  • and -Volunteering and work experience opportunities.
  • Also try contacting local charities and businesses for work experience opportunities.
  • To support this, it’s a good idea to get a CV and covering letter up together to send out to them.

LRC Careers Section:

The Learning Resource Centre has a large selection of Careers related material for you to access including:

  • College prospectuses – find out about all the local colleges, the courses they offer and the facilities at the college.
  • University prospectuses – find out about Universities across the country and the courses they offer. This can help you decide which courses you should be choosing at college.
  • Industry sectors – If you know roughly what area you want to work in and want to find out more you can take out books on areas such as Engineering, Medicine, Law, Hair & Beauty or Travel Tourism.
  • Apprenticeships and job seeking – Information is available on Apprenticeship opportunities, CV writing and interview techniques to help you prepare for the world of work.

email4 twitter4  @wilderncareers youtube 3 Wildern Careers insta2 @wilderncareers

The Careers Team are located in the Careers HUB in Block 2 and Mrs O’Leary is in the consultation room within the LRC.

Mr Fenner - Senior Leader of Learning for Careers
Mrs O’Leary - Careers Advisor and Events Coordinator | Mrs Jeffries - Careers Coordinator

To the Wildern School Careers Policy, please click HERE

College/Apprenticeship Provider Open Events 2024/2
For Employers & Colleges: Provider Access
The Impact of the Careers Programme
Summary of the Careers Programme