Our School

Welcome to Wildern School – an impressive community school with high expectations situated in the heart of the community of Hedge End Village.

Our key principles and ethos are built around the words of the Wildern Multi Academy Trust - Care, Opportunity and Quality and our school philosophy of 'Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts' which we believe underpins all we do to ensure that our students achieve their very best and enjoy their journey through school.  

Originally built in 1933, our school has grown and developed through time with a focus on a broad and balanced curriculum that is contemporary, dynamic and rich; everything needed for 21st Century life.

Wildern became an academy school in 2011. As an outward-looking school, our students’ learning is rich in its understanding of cultural diversity within a global context and as a consequence, our ethos/culture of respect pervades throughout.

At Wildern we believe in the power of the Arts to promote personal development, self-reliance, creativity and independence of thought, promoting confidence and responsibility.

Our Music Academy adds a further dimension to the cultural life of our school offering both opportunities inside and outside the classroom.

Our sports ethos focuses on personal health, fitness and well-being, in addition to encouraging sports competition and promoting team spirit.

Wildern is a high-performing school.  Our impressive academic success ensures that our students are ready for life beyond Wildern; many going to Russell group universities or/and becoming professionals across a wide spectrum of fields.

Whilst our excellent GCSE results may demonstrate outstanding student learning, at our heart is a focus on every student as an individual and we are proud that we challenge and stimulate each and every student, regardless of ability, in order that they flourish.

Every Student Matters. We want them to be curious, proud, determined, respectful and reflective learners, so they are well-placed to adapt to life and, eventually, the world of work.

We achieve this through our strong community partnership including Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, local businesses, as well as providing an abundance of activities outside the classroom including foreign visits, field trips, sports and Arts activities.
