Head's Welcome CEO Welcome

Headteacher's welcome

Welcome to our school website.

Wildern is a special place where we all believe in the same ethos, values, and principles. There is warmth at Wildern that you cannot fail to notice as you walk around, despite our large size.

Care is high on our list of priorities. To us this means respecting community values like honesty, integrity, and concern for others in an ever-changing world; so at Wildern we are there to support, guide and care to help our students make the right decisions. We ensure that our students feel safe, understood and are valued as individuals.

Quality doesn’t just happen. We create a culture of high expectations, high aspirations, where to succeed is the norm. Our impressive academic success ensures that our students are ready for life beyond Wildern. Whilst our excellent GCSE results may demonstrate outstanding student learning, at our heart is a focus on every student, every ability, every success be it academic, sporting or within the Arts.

Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts; we believe that the advice and guidance we provide will support their choices through life, encourage their love of learning and develop them as formidable citizens for the future.

Opportunity. There is a diverse range of academic, extracurricular and enrichment activities at Wildern, regardless of ability. We want to open our students’ eyes to the myriad of opportunities the world has to offer outside of their own community and enable them to want to explore beyond their doorstep. In a world which is getting smaller and smaller, we want our students to feel comfortable when they meet people from different cultures, societies, and religions.
Our mission, therefore, is to ensure:

• Our students are happy and healthy; that they respect community values like honesty, integrity, and concern for others in a changing world.

• Our students make progress and fulfil their potential through a clear focus on learning and quality teaching in a supportive and stimulating environment; where every student is known as an individual and challenged regardless of ability.

• New technology is utilised to ensure that learning is vibrant, exciting, challenging and enterprising in a collaborative learning environment between students and teachers

• All students see the opportunities before them, be part of the next generation that push boundaries, make advancements and develop answers.

Our strong partnership with parents is fundamental in supporting this drive to enrich all of our students; who often develop into determined, adaptable and compassionate young people.

Care, Opportunity and Quality: 'Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts'.  This is the Wildern way.

I really hope you enjoy looking around our website.  If you would like to see the school "working" please contact wildern@wildern.org and we will be happy to show you around.

Ceri Oakley

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CEO Welcome

As Chief Executive Officer I am delighted to welcome you to Wildern Multi Academy Trust.  A family of schools which serves the vibrant community of Hedge End and Botley in south Hampshire.

Our Trust  believes that education is a collaborative effort between teachers, parents, and students. Together, we create a nurturing and inspiring environment where children can thrive academically, socially, and personally.

‘Individually we are one drop: but together we are an ocean’  

Rynosoke Satoro

The ethos of the Trust is based on its founding principles of Care, Opportunity and Quality.

  • Care - We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and personally. We believe in fostering a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and the school staff to ensure the best possible educational experience for every child.

  • Opportunity - We offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports programs to help our students explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom, to open young minds to different experiences, challenge their perceptions and develop new skills and passions.

  • Quality - Our dedicated educators are committed to providing a high-quality education that fosters a love for learning in every child. We have a rigorous and extensive curriculum that is designed to challenge and engage students at every level but more importantly for them to have a continual thirst, hunger and inquisitiveness for lifelong learning.

The key aims of the Trust are:

  • To enhance the opportunities and successes enjoyed by all present and future students and staff.  

  • To develop further the Trust’s track record of contributing to school improvement, innovation and transformation, locally and within its immediate family of schools and for the wider system as a whole. 

  • To contribute to opportunities for all our stakeholders in our immediate community particularly in arts and sport. 

Working in partnership within a strong Multi Academy Trust which shares a similar vision is an essential aspect to growth and sustainability.  It increases the opportunities and experiences for both our students and staff through mutual collaboration and sharing of best practice.

‘If everyone is moving forward together then success takes care of itself’ 

Henry Ford  

High quality teachers and leaders make a real difference to student outcomes and that is why we are committed to creating a culture of  continual professional development at all levels and  ensuring that there is real balance to  work load and wellbeing for all colleagues across the Trust.

As CEO I am incredibly proud to lead such an innovative, passionate and caring family of schools and welcome everyone to see for themselves what wonderful learning communities exist within our walls.

Mr S Mann

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Welcome to Wildern School – an impressive community school with high expectations situated in the heart of the community of Hedge End Village.

Our key principles and ethos are built around the words of the Wildern Multi Academy Trust - Care, Opportunity and Quality and our school philosophy of 'Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts' which we believe underpins all we do to ensure that our students achieve their very best and enjoy their journey through school.

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Welcome to Wildern School – an impressive community school with high expectations situated in the heart of the community of Hedge End Village.

Our key principles and ethos are built around the words of the Wildern Multi Academy Trust - Care, Opportunity and Quality and our school philosophy of 'Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts' which we believe underpins all we do to ensure that our students achieve their very best and enjoy their journey through school.