Dear Parents
You may have read reports in the media recently about various resources to help students continue their education at home. So as to give you more information on these, we have summarised them in this email. These are all suggestions to complement, enhance and support the work that is being set by teachers; this is not additional work.
We are sharing these because they may help your son/daughter during the current school closure. A bit like Goldilocks, some of your children may be finding the work too challenging, some too easy and others just right. However they are feeling, the resources below may help answer questions at home or provide further stimulus and enrichment opportunities if you feel they are needed. As always, your child can contact their teachers via google classroom for help, clarification and advice on the work that is set and we would always encourage this dialogue to minimise your child or you feeling overburdened, pressured or upset by school work.
The DFE launched a list of online education resources on 7 April. We have collated the websites suitable for supporting secondary education in the attached document. These may offer support for yourself or your child if they are having difficulties with the work they have been set.
On Monday, two online teaching programmes were launched; BBC bitesize daily lessons and the Oak National Academy These are intended to be used for students to maintain their education if their school is unable to set work. Therefore, your child does not need to access these necessarily, but they may be of some help, again if your son/daughter is having difficulties with the work they have been set or is looking to enrich their understanding of a topic.
Both of these offer online lessons with additional resources in a variety of subjects for Year 7 to 10 students. Each programme follows a set timetable they have designed which may overlap with our curriculum. Teachers have begun to look at the resources available and may use these as part of the work set for your child if relevant and appropriate to the learning planned.
If you did want to use some of these websites and resources alongside google classroom, revision guides and resources already shared with you, ways to support your child using these could include
Looking up the topic being covered for further clarification and explanation and to help complete the task set by teachers
Reading around the topic for a deeper understanding
Exploring a new topic to enrich the learning set by teachers
Engage with activities to stay active
We will keep you updated as and when new resources become available that may be of interest and support in accessing education at home.
Best wishes
Mrs Cowan
Deputy Headteacher