Assessment & Reporting

The process of recording, reviewing and assessing student progress is essential, we believe, in ensuring students make excellent progress. It is an area where close co-operation between school and home is critical in supporting all students with understanding their key areas of development.

We use several ways to do this across an academic year.

Parent consultation evenings: There is an opportunity to discuss student progress at these evenings for all year groups. However, Year 7 have two evenings, one with the tutor and one with subject teachers and also Year 11 have two evenings with subject teachers for ongoing discussion regarding progress towards their final GCSE exams.

Wildern Assessment Data (WAD): two to three times a year subject staff are asked to comment on a students’ progress, performance,and behaviours for learning.   This information helps staff and students to set targets to improve standards of achievement. When this data is collected on students it is communicated to parents through Insight, Reports or parents evenings.

Written report:At the end of the academic year there is an extra summary of the learning and attitude from the tutor as well as all the behaviours for learning and progress data as usual.  

Behaviours For Learning 

Effective learning and teaching takes place where there is mutual respect, support, encouragement, security and independence and where all the members of the school share responsibility for developing the ethos successfully.  

Encouraging a positive attitude to learning 

At Wildern we want students to be willing to learn and ready to work to enable them to succeed. 

To support and encourage this to happen, students need to have a positive approach to their own learning.  

A positive and hardworking attitude can make the vital difference to student performance.  

The EREF (Achievement and Behaviour) System

At Wildern there are a wide range of rewards that a student can receive. 

In lessons students will most likely receive an Eref from their teacher.  These come in the form of either Green (worth 2 points) or Gold (worth 4 points).  Theses are awarded for excellent work and attitude in class as well as excellent pieces of self-study.  There are a number of rewards that happen across the year group as a result of positive Eref scores.  These can include recognition in assembly or class, postcards home, certificates, awards in celebration events, food vouchers and even lunch with the Headteacher! 

However on occasions when a student breaks the school Discipline Policy a negative Eref will be written Amber (-1 points), Red (-2 points) or for the most serious issues, a purple (-4 points).

These awards will be recorded automatically on the Insight portal (child and parent) and you will be able to see your child's current score each time you log onto the website. 

A student's overall points total will be used in supporting the Wildern House Championship competition.  

Successful Wildern Students will be demonstrating the following behaviors for learning 

  • Being respectful which will allow yourself and others to learn
  • Being punctual and attending all lessons which has a positive impact on learning 
  • Being always appropriately equipped and ready to learn
  • Engaging in lessons
  • Completing all class work to a required standard
  • Completing all self-study to a required standard
  • Working to the best of your ability and taking pride in everything you do 
  • Understanding and acting on feedback 
  • Preparing appropriately for assessments
  • Using appropriate subject specific vocabulary

 Behaviours for Learning Coding: 


The comment column of your report will indicate which element of the 11 behaviours for learning needs to be prioritised in each subject.