
Eco Schools green Flag

Our world is a unique and precious resource, one we want students to be amazed by and seek to protect for future generations.  Increasingly it is one which is under threat from climate change, misuse of plastics, declining biodiversity and depletion of resources in the natural world.  At Wildern School, our curriculum programmes, enrichment opportunities and wider student leadership enable students to take an active part in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability across the school campus.  

The school continued to achieve recognition with Eco-Schools Green Flag Award status, awarded in Spring 2021 and continues to review and plan Eco activities around the themes of Litter, Marine Conservation and Biodiversity over the next two year cycle.  

The Eco Focus Group have organised Great Big Litter Picks around the school site, the local neighbourhood and River Hamble County Park in coordination with students, parents, the wider community and Eastleigh Borough Council.  As student leaders, the Eco Focus Group have led publicity and awareness campaigns on Climate Change by creating a flash event linked to COP26.  They have also campaigned on #no disposable plastics, litter awareness and increasing biodiversity both in school and across the world.  

The students in Eco Focus Group have led fundraising events which centre on the protection of rainforests across the world through the work of the World Land Trust.  The Queen's Green Canopy campaign will see our Year 7 students taking on responsibility for planting and caring for a tree in their 5 years at Wildern School.  In addition, The Eco Group led Year 7 students in the the timed observation of our birdlife in the school grounds, as part of the Great British Birdwatching Survey.  On a practical note, Eco Focus group students have been constructing bug hotels with Tech Club, for use in the school grounds to increase the insect population.  Their plan being to upscale the bug hotels by using wooden pallets unused by the site team, for use in the woodland areas around the school site. 

The Eco focus group strives to ensure their voices are heard by as many students as possible through tutor activities, social media, competitions and poster campaigns to inspire all students to make changes and seek out a sustainable future for our planet.  

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