
young minds2

Young Minds

This is the Uk's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people.  



A counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the UK provided by the NSPCC 



Beat is a website dedicated to Eating Disorders 

 heads together

 Heads Together

A campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health 



An online learning and advice resource for anyone interested in, or concerned about, the mental health of children and teenagers. 



Provides facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol 

 rethink mental illness

Rethink Mental Illness 

Help and support for people affected by mental illness 


 Head Meds

Provides information on mental health medications 

 chid bereavemrnt

 Child Bereavement 

Providing information and support to families when a child is bereaved. 

 time to change

 Time to Change 

A mental Health campaign with the objective of reducing mental-health related stigma and discrimination. 

 national autistic

National Autistic Society 

The Leading UK charity for autistic people and their families. 



A registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope. 

 Mood Juice

Mood Juice 

Offers information, advice to those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions

 national self harm

National Self-Harm Network 

Offers support forums, in a safe environment, that can help people understand and manage self-harm



Support and information for those suffering Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 



Offers support and information for young people experiencing bullying 

 care for the family

Care For The Family 

National charity which aims to promote strong family life and help those who face difficulties 


Anna Freud Centre 

A children's charity dedicated to providing training and support for child mental health services 
