HeadspaceÂA meditation app that acts as a personal guide to health and happiness |
MindshiftÂA free app designed to helps teens and young adults cope with anxiety |
MoodGymAn online cognitive behaviour therapy programme for depression and anxiety |
SuperbetterHelps build resilience - the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficult obstacles. |
HappifyÂTurns the latest innovations in the science of happiness into activities and games that help you lead a more fulfilling life.  |
Smiling MindA meditation programme developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into your life.  |
Calm HarmÂAn App that helps young people manage the urge to self-harm |
CalmÂMeditation techniques to aid with stress and sleep |
What's UpÂUtilising some of the best CBT methods to help you cope with Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Stress and more |
No OCDHelps those suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder |
SafeSpotÂAims to provide young people with access to coping strategies and resources to help better cope with difficult situations |
My 3ÂHelp yourself and reach out to others if you are having thoughts of suicide.  |
MoodKitUses CBT principles to help with low mood and anxiety |
HappimeFree app that helps to raise self-esteem, self confidence and happiness levels in children and young people |
Chill PandaChill Panda helps children better understand their stress and shows them ways to feel better using breathing techniques, yoga, exercise and calming games |
SAMSAM is an app to help you understand and manage anxiety |
Stop Breathe ThinkÂCheck in with how you're feeling and try short activities tuned into your emotions |
Virtual Hope BoxÂThe Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is an app that contains simple tools to help with coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking |
Clear FearClear Fear provides you with a range of ways to manage anxiety  |
Combined MindsAn app developed to help families and friends support young people with their mental health |
CoveÂCreate music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness and anger to express how you feel |
Me2MeeTwo is free fully moderated app for young people, which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources |
Check InÂThe Check-in app helps take the fear out of having a conversation with a friend who might be struggling.  |
1 Giant MindÂThis app is for anyone who to feel less stressed, more calm and present and experience greater health and well-being |
Think NinjaÂThis app from Healios helps young people aged 11 to 17 years old with their mental health, emotional well-being and resilience and is being made available for free during the Coronavirus crisis.  |
Feeling Good TeensThe Feeling Good Teens App uses short audio tracks to help let go of worry, improve sleep, develop self-esteem, resilience and goal focused motivation - access is free using the username: coboost and password: coboost during this period.  |
Blue IceÂBlueIce is an evidence-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm |
DistractÂThe district app gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts.  |
eQuooÂThe eQuoo app uses adventure games designed by psychologists to help you increase your emotional fitness and teach you new psychological skills  |
Worry TreeThe Worry Tree app aims to help you take control of worry wherever you are |
not OKnotok App® is a free digital panic button to get you immediate support viz text, phone call, or GPS location when you're struggling to reach out |
Stay AliveThis app is a pocket suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.  |