We are a high performing school where quality learning creates students who are ready for life beyond Wildern. Our key principles and ethos are built around the Trust's Care, Opportunity and Quality and our school philosophy 'Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts', which we believe underpins all we do to ensure that our students achieve their very best and enjoy their journey through the school.
Our students are happy and healthy; that they respect community values like honesty, integrity and concern for others in a changing world.
Our students make progress and fulfil their potential through a clear focus on learning and quality teaching in a supportive and stimulating environment; where every student is known as an individual and challenged regardless of ability.
New technology is utilised to ensure that learning is vibrant, exciting, challenging and enterprising in a collaborative learning environment between students and teachers
All students see the opportunities before them, be part of the next generation that push boundaries, make advancements and develop answers.