When students are dropped off in the morning we request that this is only done in the area between the entrance and exit gates. Please avoid coming into the main car park.
Conversely, at the end of the school day, students are not to be collected from inside the school gates unless by prior arrangement with the school. You will appreciate that the safety of over 1900 students is our highest priority.
Should you need to bring a vehicle onto the school site at other times, please understand that we have only limited space available and that we are also open for community activities. To help alleviate any congestion we have a Partnership Agreement with B & Q whereby visitors may utilise their parking facilities. This is only a few minutes’ walk away.5 miles sign
We ask that you observe the speed limit and signage and park considerately with safety in mind at all times.
Finally if travelling by car to any of our events such as WINK evenings please remember to leave plenty of time as parking on site cannot be guaranteed. During these major events, the likelihood of the Wildern car park filling up is High. To this end we have organised a 'Park & Stride' scheme from the local B&Q car park. The link for which can be found below.