
Students need a permit to bring cycles into school and forms can be completed on line by clicking here. This permit needs to be applied for every academic year. There are limited spaces provided in the cycle sheds. Please ensure your son/daughter’s cycle is roadworthy before allowing it to be used for school.

It is recommended that students have undertaken a cycling proficiency test before a permit is granted. Wildern School run the courses necessary for this test, though most primary schools do operate a test system. Students are strongly advised to wear safety helmets when riding to and from school. The approach roads to Wildern are very busy, particularly between 8.00 – 8.30 am and 3.00 – 3.30 pm. Dissuade your son/daughter from using a cycle if you are at all in doubt of his/her ability to cope. Students who do not follow the system will have their permits revoked.